Castles and County Capitals are all fortified by default. In order to occupy a County, all Fortified Holdings have to be occupied. a character with 10 prowess would end up with 60% of the total capture scoreĪ Siege takes place when an army attacks a Fortified Holding and outnumbers the Holding's Garrison and is the main way of gaining War score. These scores are affected by various factors, and should not be treated as percentages, as their total is not always 100.Ĭommander has Stalwart Leader Perk (player)Ĭapture score is multiplied by (30 - prowess score) ÷ 30, with a minimum of 0.1.Į.g. The base chance that the enemy commander is caught is 10%, represented by two chance "scores" in the game script, 90 for escape and 10 for capture. +10 if army is defending across a riverĪ defeated commander may be captured upon defeat in battle.+20 if army is defending across a large river.
+30 if army is defending across a strait. Starting Advantage can be affected by the following: Each point of Advantage increases an army's damage by +2%. Each Commander will also make a d10 roll every 3 days in an attempt to increase their Advantage, and the roll can be affected by various modifiers and traits. Advantage can come from traits, terrain, buildings or the Martial skill of the Commander. When combat starts, the Advantage, a modifier that lasts the entire battle and increases the damage of all troops on either side, is calculated for both sides. When the phase ends, the defeated army moves into an adjacent Barony with all Routed Casualties and cannot be given orders until it finished traveling a couple of Baronies away, but will travel slightly faster than controlled armies. Aftermath Phase: The winning army gives chase to the defeated army and attempts to turn Routed Casualties into Fatal Casualties. If an army retreats, all remaining soldiers become Routed Casualties. Late Battle Phase: The armies keep fighting and keep inflicting damage upon each other each day until either all soldiers on one side run out of Toughness or one side decides to retreat. If an army is defeated in this phase, all Routed Casualties become Fatal Casualties. Early Battle Phase: The armies fight and inflict damage upon each other daily and cannot retreat. Maneuver Phase: The armies prepare for battle and the Commanders make their initial Advantage rolls.
At the start of any battle, the terrain's Combat Width decides how many troops are able to fight each other at the same time. Battles start when two hostile armies enter the same Barony.